now magazine

And NOW for something completely different

SOULO Theatre - where I plot and scheme away, largely behind the scenes as the general manager - has just won Best Small Theatre Company from NOW Magazine's Best of Toronto Reader's Choice! Massive credit goes to the team that helped organize the 2014 SOULO Theatre Festival and massive thanks to everyone who voted over the past few months. It's a tremendous honour. 10454918_811433528907119_6364460065853122341_n

I also spent the afternoon earlier this week locked in a room with some wifi, unhealthy amounts of coffee and the Artistic Director, Tracey Erin Smith, planning updates to the website and there will be more interesting news coming out of that work shortly.

Tracey Erin Smith Thumbnail

Praise for Lies, Damn Lies & Magic Tricks

It's been a fantastic summer that I won't soon forget. Between the Hamilton Fringe Festival and the Summerworks Performance Festival, I completed thirteen performances of Lies, Damn Lies & Magic Tricks. Here are some highlights of what people had to say:

Truly Entertaining NOW Magazine

Remarkable... This magician is one talented fellow. The Hamilton Spectator

Thought-provoking, funny, astonishing and thoroughly entertaining. It's a great magic display and that's all anyone needs to know. Ontario Arts Review

I promise you will be thinking about how it's done - during and after the show and probably the rest of the month. Thoroughly entertaining. Artword

Brimming with wicked wit and calculated comedy. The VIEW Magazine

To my eyes, James Alan is every bit as good as any magician I have seen on TV... Alan is very personable, he makes you laugh between the lies and tricks... It is very engaging and entertaining. An hour will fly by before you know it. Mooney on Theatre