Greedy Giver

For a limited time, you can buy tickets to our shows, Magic at the Winchester and Magic@theCage, at 50% off along with a charitable donation to Greedy Giver.

Greedy Giver offers a wide variety of special promotions in exchange to small donations to a charity of your choice. There are over thirty charitable organizations to choose from including the Sunnybrook Hospital Foundaiton, Children's Wish and PLAN. With $5 donation we are offering admission to the show along with a dinner buffet for $17.50 per person (taxes included).

MagicCage   Magic at the Winchester 2014 web

Magic@theCage is every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM at The Cage 292 (map) in the Crimson Lounge.

Magic at the Winchester is every Sunday night at 7:00 PM at The Winchester Stage & Bar in Cabbagetown (map).